How to Bond With Your Cat and Speak Their Language


More than 42% of American households have at least one cat. Though cats get a bad rap, they’re wonderful pets and companions that can keep every member of your family entertained for years.

However, if you’re new to cat ownership, learning how to bond with your cat can seem like a bit of a mystery. Cats like to keep to themselves more than dogs but building a strong relationship with them is still doable.

Here are a few proven tips to help you bond with your cat as fast as possible.

Give Them a Dedicated Cat Area

One of the best ways to encourage feline-human bonding is to give your new cat a spot they can call their own. This can be something as simple as a blanket in a box tucked into a corner where they can feel safe or as elaborate as an indoor cat playground.

Give your cat access to everything they need within that space. Place the litter box close by so they can feel confident using it. Set food and water in the area so they don’t have to leave the spot while they’re adjusting to their new environment.

Start Playing With Your Cat

Though cats can seem aloof, they’re also incredibly curious. You can use their natural curiosity to encourage bonding and build a better relationship.

All you need to do is invest in a few new cat toys and start playing with them in front of your cat. Don’t give up if they don’t show interest immediately. Keep at it and their curiosity will likely win out eventually.

Once they start showing interest in the toys, figure out how to play with your cat. Every cat is unique and what worked for your old cat may not work for the new addition to your family.

Be Willing to Wait

It takes time to earn trust with almost every cat. This means you need to be patient when you first bring them home.

Don’t feel surprised if your cat hides in a closet or under the bed for the first day or two. They’ll adjust to their surroundings once they realize that things are more stable.

Check on them regularly and consider sitting near them if they’re hiding. Use soft, kind words to lure them out but avoid trying to reach or grab for them.

By letting your cat initiate affection, you’re giving them the chance to build trust and confidence over time.

Now You Know How to Bond With Your Cat

Every cat is unique and learning how to bond with your cat as an individual can take time. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to creating a strong, lasting bond with your new furry family member in no time.

Once you bond with your cat, you’ll need to find ways to keep them active and stimulated. Check out our latest posts for more fun cat exercises and bonding methods that you can use once you bring your new cat home.

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